Friday, July 03, 2020

Hrmis Pengisytiharaan Harta

Step 1: Use only Google Chrome. Go to Hrmis website. If some can't see full page, reduce Zoom to 75%.
Step 2: Goto Pengurusan Maklumat Harta, Pengisytiharaan Harta. The tarikh akhir does not mean we had completed in submitting it. Click Maklumat Harta. This part should have been empty if we successfully Istihar it.
Step 3: Fill Senarai sumber kewangan and upload dokumen sokongan
Step 4: Pelupusan Harta. If the page is not blank means need to fill tarikh lupus and kaedah lupus.
Step 5: Fill tarikh lupus and kaedah lupus.
Step 6: Maklumat Pendapatan Bulanan. If the Zoom is not adjust to below 80%, you won't be able to see Tambah. Click tambah to add elaun and cukai pendapatan.
Step 7: Fill Elaun.
Step 8: Fill Elaun. Add all elaun in from your latest payslip. Tarikh mula can put last month payslip.
Step 9: Maklumat Ansuran Bulanan, fill Cukai Pendapatan, Tarikh mula can use last month date, fill potongan bulanan and jumlah tanggungan is monthy potongan x 12 months.
Step 10: If complete Elaun and Cukai Pendapatan, Tidak Berintegriti wont appear.
Step 11: If complete Elaun and Cukai Pendapatan, Tidak Berintegriti wont appear.
Step 12: Make sure check the date for Sejarah Perkhimatan and Profil Perkhidmatan. Check all Rekod Peribadi and fill it up too.
Step 13: Click teruskan and check the dates to make sure correct.
Step 14: After completed, must click both tick then only can isytihar.
Step 15: After Isytihar and will have pop up screen who to Sahkan and also Berjaya dihantar. 
Step 16: Papar Status Pengisytiharan Harta, Tunggu Pengesahan will appear with other documents of already isytihar harta.
Step 17: If not successful in submitting the form, tunggu pengesahan won't appear.
Step 18: Have to wait for pengesahan to download letter, Papar Maklumat Harta will appear(sah). Only Papar Borang Pengisytiharan Harta appear before pengesahan.
Step 19: This letter, Papar Maklumat Harta will appear(sah) if already sahkan.


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