Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sorry for poor snapshots. It is the smallest thumb drive yet. Is there any smaller thumb drive than this?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

At first, I didn't intend to capture this picture. This man is simply doing something out of his mind. He let his dogs to shit and urine in front of my house. He is told not to but he seems to ignore my words and told me to do the same in front of his house. It happened more than once. His uncivilized actions pull me back to my house without further argument. What should I do if he is back with the same and bold attitude? Should I ignore him and his pets?

Update 2 May 2009:
Public comments on

1. We have good and bad neighbours

2. Lol, if this is upsetting you very much, and if money is no object, then install a water sprinkler and on it every time the unreasonable pest comes along. To make it more rewarding, place the sprinkle in a hidden spot around that "HOT" area. Ha..Ha..Cheers!

3. If money is no problem, order a small lorry load of cowdung and have it deposited in front of his house with your complements! That would teach him!

4. taburkan "black pepper powder" around the area.....

5. No, Victor not cowdung.It is now a very rare commodity.My plants will love it - and I am certain the neighbour will thank you for it.

6. If you don't mind to try my way: 1) Take a thin plastic bag. 2) Shit into the plastic bag. 3) Tie up the plastic bag. 4) Now thrown the plastic bag into your neighbour house. I bet it will work and I have tried it before..hahaha..

7. Be polite.. DING DONG.. "Ahem, excuse me SIR, I believe your dogs left something in my yard. Here..catch.."


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